Sunday, August 11, 2013


Tysons companion from Brazil called a few weeks ago and said he was coming to town. So we made plans and they came up for a visit, we had dinner, treats and root beer floats.  It was so cool! Crazy how long it's been since he has seen him and even more cool he was able to find Tyson. They brought the kids some fun treats, us some yummy carmels and some cute magnet bookmarks. They are the sweetest family. They have been saving for this trip for awhile. They are staying 3 weeks here and said their total trip will cost about $12,000! How crazy is that?! It also includes their shopping they are planning to do, which includes buying a lot of electronics while they are here. They said in Brazil a Wii game costs over $100, so they waited to buy games till they were here and Marina(The wife) has been waiting to buy an ipad. There it would cost over $1000! It's crazy, most things here cost at least half the price they have to pay at home. They were introduced to Ross and love it cause prices were even better! ha So fun and so neat to have them come!

1 comment:

erin said...

That's cool. I didn't realize his companion who was coming for dinner was coming all the way from Brazil!!! That's so cool!
Where did Tyson serve? It was California right? Not brazil?