Saturday, October 26, 2013

Happy Halloween...Grandma style!

 Breakfast with the witch!!! and a Ghost! haha
 lil' bumble bee!
 Surprise visit from Tina! Delivering a diffuser! haha She wanted to ride the witches broom! This pic cracks me up!!!
 These cuties at their special table
 Decorating pancakes!!!

 Dancing with grandma! The kids loved it and had so much fun!!! All week kinlee kept saying "Grandma gonna be a witch!!!" She was stoked!
 Costume Fashion Show!
 Hayward YO! is that right? I don't even remember what player he is.
FUN! Until next year! Love that my mom does this for the kids! They absolutely love it and all the work that goes into it! Fun switching it up to a breakfast too!

1 comment:

erin said...

That looks soooooooo fun!!!