Sunday, June 1, 2014

End of School FUN!

 We were cleaning up and kinlee took over with the broom, she did an amazing job! She even moved barstools out of the way! haha
 To get the boys to eat their meatballs the night before I said it would make them strong and help their muscles grow. So the next day (in this pic) Drew begged for some chicken only. while he ate it I watched and he was staring at his arm like this. I asked what he was doing and he's like "mom! I really can see my muscles growing!!! They are getting bigger while I eat my meat!" haha!
 Last day of school here it is! I'm the embarrassing mom that went to the bus stop :)
 Attempt at a Jumping pic!
 Saw this dude and snapped another embarrassing pic!
 Chinese graduation program

  Kennedy wanted a pic with Drew. She is the cutest and such a good little friend! Love these two!
 Well I told the kids it was friend day on the last day of school and they didn't let me back out! 7 kids in the car with me! It really was fun!
 My mama that provides the pool of entertainment!
 Cool boys!

 Then Jax and Becks wanted to come to Peyts game! Fun continues with pokemon! haha
 THEN Jodi and I planned a patio dance/ice cream party for them all! loved it!

 Drew said "mom, make an announcment that I am performing in 6 minutes to radioactive" I did and he brought it! Wish I had recorded it. He had a whole dance to the whole song!
 Our attempt at a pyramid
2nd attempt haha...FAIL

So fun and so excited for SUMMER!!!!

1 comment:

erin said...

always having soo much fun! jealous!
love the muscle story. haha love it