Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Happy 30th Matt!

 Silly photo booth prop fun from Grandma!

 My little, uh not little, brother. Love him!

Wy wanted a selfie! Nailed it.

Just FUN!

 We haven't hung with Miss Sadie much since she has been swept off her feet so it was time!

 and Tay and Mas too!

 Then we didn't get to head to pineview so we decided to have a swim party and play in our sand at home!

I swear I had more pics! oh well. :)

Grandpa Roy Love

 This was my favorite bouquet...

 Grandpa Roy always bought the kids their cowboy boots and hats. Drew loves them!

Drew found a home for the flowers.
This was so unexpected and we are so sad that he has left this earthly life. We miss him more than words can say. He was more than just "tysons grandpa" He was my friend and my grandpa too. He was seriously one of my most favorite people that I will never forget.  His random phone calls, sporadically stopping by, his love for us and our kids we will always remember. Love you Roy! Till we meet again.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Random Brown fun!

 Almost daily, Radioactive...go Logan!
 and these two! Cole was so cute with her!

 Last lunch with them before they headed home :( boo! SOOOO sad they had to leave!

Miss Sass!!!

Happy Birthday Tyson!

 Breakfast in bed, why not?
 Pretend baby announecment that was MUCH more funny to Erin and I than Tyson. ha
 Grandma Debbies celebrating!

 Love bruces enthusiasm! haha
 Cute cousins!
 BUSTED with the lip gloss!
dancing in the rain!