Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our NEW floor!

In our basement, we decided to just finish up the family room to make a little extra room for the TOYS and us...(no, not for another little one, I know some of you were thinking that!) =) Anyway, Tyson wanted to practice his skills and try something different with the floor, instead of doing carpet. We came up with a million ideas, but this one seemed the best!! So here it is!! We thought it turned out pretty cool so we thought we'd share!




(PS...we still have touch ups to do, but I couldn't wait till then to show off Tyson's work!)

Monday, April 27, 2009

A little of what's been going on...

Last week we lived at the park, while it was nice anyway! Drew had to have his sunglasses and wore them around the park while he played! He looks a little annoyed that I wanted to take his picture! =)

I haven't gotten a picture of the boys from Peytons little school for awhile, and this is the best I could get last week! A few missing and half not looking...Oh well, at least Peyton, Cobey and Brock cooperated!

On Friday we went to see Tysons brother, Taylor, in a little play at his school "The Foreigner" It was hilarious, and we were impressed at what a good job they did!

Tyson finally convinced me on Saturday to go to the game with him. It was a lot of fun, but I was actually dissapointed in the way they played towards the end. Usually I wouldn't care and just go for the entertainment...but this time I was actually bugged they were practically handing over the win to the Lakers. Thanks for a much needed date night Tys! ...and to Grandma Julie for watching the boys!

We had a little visit from Grandma and Grandpa Love after church, before heading off to Grandma Julies for dinner!!

It was a good week, we are glad the sun decided to stay for most of we are ready for a new week that will be even more fun as soon as my sister and her cute boys fly in!!! Yea!! Tomorrow won't come soon enough!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

ABC Tag...

Thanks Meghan!! I think these are fun!

A: Addiction - lately, brownie batter....LOVIN' it!!
B: Breakfast - Frosted Mini Wheats
C: Chocolate or Chips - Baked Chips (Unless we're talking about white chocolate!?!)
D: Dessert or Appetizers - a LONG shot!!
E: Essential Items - Lip gloss and my water bottle(filled with cold water)
F: Favorite Color - Pink
G: Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms- I'm gonna have to say neither...I'm gummied out from my mom always buying the HUGE bulk bags when I lived at home!! (Good thing mom, don't take that the wrong way!)
I: Hometown - Layton
J: January or July - July
K: Kids - 2 boys...and we ARE good FOR NOW...thanks for asking! =)
L: Life Isn't Complete Without - Family and friends...
M: Most Exciting Memory - Becoming a mom and realizing labor wasn't as bad as I thought!! That was exciting, I could and did do it!
N: Numbers of Brothers and Sisters - 2 sisters, 3 brothers, 2 half brothers, 1 half sister, 4 step brothers and 3 step sisters
O: Oranges or Apples - BOTH!
P: Phobias or Fears - Fear...Regret!
Q: Quote - "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to understanding ourselves."
R: Reading - hmmm...don't get around to reading much...probably should!!
S: Summer or Spring - Summer
T: Tag 6 People - Erin Brown, Chaylse Hall, Jamie Bowers, Mikelle Belliston, Sadie Love, & Jesica Ashworth
U: Unknown Fact About Me - I had a seizure in Jr. High from falling off of my brothers stomache...CRAZY!
V: Vacation I Want To Go On - Anywhere tropical!! Sippin virgin margaritas on the beach while getting a tan!! =)
W: Walking or Running - Running
X: X-Ray or Ultrasound - Ultrasound, usually means it's good news!!
Y: Your Favorite Food - BBQ'd dinner
Z: Zoo or Bowling- Bowling

Friday, April 24, 2009

Where we left off....

This is the last picture I posted that everyone was bummed they missed out on...
This is what I came home to the other night after being at work....

Flowers, a pineapple, always needed hair accesories, carmels, cd's and BEST of all, this cute poster!! It had the cutest things written on it from Peyton!

Thanks to Tyson and Peyton for making my night! (I'm sure Drew had something to do with it too!)

Starting OVER!!!!

I am SOOOO bummed about what happened! I had ALWAYS used my earthlink account with our blog, and then I had created a new gmail account and had it for only about 2 weeks, deleted it and then it deleted me(my Earthlink info) from my blog!!! SOOO crappy! Anyway, here we are starting over....and trying again!! =)