Sunday, November 8, 2009

Like a DReaM come TruE!!!! haha...really! =)

FIRST...!!! LiGhTS ON OUR HOUSE!! Yes, maybe pathetic, but I am SOOO excited! You can't tell how great they really look in this picture, but they did an awesome job! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!

CONTACT : Ryan with North Pole Lighting

801-710-4258 if you want yours done too!

AND then...just love my boys, all 3 of them!
Yep! They want to be Pirates next year! Gotta love the day after Halloween sale! =)
Enjoying the PERFECT weather lately!!! and trying to get rid of the Halloween candy!
Drew is hilarious and this is how he rode the tractor the whole time! too cute!
Peyt ALWAYS asks to come running with me, so finally I let him try it! He seriously did amazing, we went 2 miles and I only gave him a few piggy back rides and we walked a little bit! It seriously made the run all worth while! I loved having one of my funniest, cutest little best friends as my running partner!
and this is how I found Drew when he was coming out of "time out"...too funny and cute in his hat that he found!

Well...this isn't part of my dream, but we did get enjoy KB's baptism yesterday! Crazy my little nephew is already that old! and Happy Birthday to him!

And last but not least, a lovely Sunday nap...I went to see what they were doing and this is how I found them...a dream come true yes, that means I got to nap too!

Not too much going on lately, finally getting to relax from the craziness of Halloween! Lets just say we are ready for our yummy Thanksgiving dinners! =)


Shannon said...
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Shannon said...

YAY! I LOVE LOVE LOVE having my lights up! Ours are going up this week! :D I love your pictures! Thanks so much for being so good about posting them. Love y'all!

erin said...

I bet the lights look great!
I wish I could get my boys costumes for next year on sale..oh well. You will have some cute pirates. I wish I could run so I could have Logan as my running buddy...oh how I wish I were you =)

gramma debbie said...

Love the lights!! They are so festive looking!! That is one of my favorite things about Christmas!! The boys are soo cute! Fun to see all the things they do!!