Sunday, October 12, 2014


 I got her ready this day and couldn't believe how old a headband made her look! She is adorable!
 These boys BEGGED for Kendamas! No way I was spending that much on them at Farmington Station. I decided to have them use some of their own money and asked my dear sister to hook us up with Amazon!
 Made a scavengar hunt out of it...they absolutely LOVED it and can you tell how much they love their kendamas?! They play with them daily! Thanks for helping us out Erin!!!
 Girls day! Kinlee was SO excited! "Kinlee and grandma day!" so seriously cute!
 Dream come true! Playing in the rain. He was soaked and so muddy!

 muddy sock line!

Drew said "Can we have grandma and grandpa come over to just hang out?" So I texted my mom at 8 pm on a Sunday haha and about 20 minutes later they knocked on the door! So cute!

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