Brax and Drew cuddling
Just watching a movie before bed
The kids building a fort in Grandma and Grandpas room
LOTS of Tennis was played this week
and playing at the park
Dash and Drew got to come on a run with me and Em, thanks Ash and Brandon for the stroller :)
Traditional snow cones at the Farmers Market...YUM...thanks MOM!
This is where we could find Drew 80% of the time while at our room...he loved playing in the stroller!
and these cute kids were having the cutest conversations...I love listening to them and these are there silly faces.
Caleb came down for a was late, and I think they look a little too tired to want a pic!
LOTS of swimming! The boys lasted for 5 hours one day!!! That's a record, and you know that if you know Peyt! Drew on the other hand would stay in all day every day.
At our girls night...Karl Malone was spotted...looks like they might have gotten fed up with the people starring...they got their drinks and free chips then left! haha Oh least I got this crappy pic to prove we saw him! :)
Us girls at dinner then off for shopping.
Tys even came up for the few hours to watch the boys so I could go...thanks sweetie! :)
ZONKED out!!!!!! They wanted to watch a movie, I went in to brush my teeth and heard snoring! haha They played so hard every day ALL day!
The fun HAT game...
The boys watching and waiting for hats to fly off!
and who needs toys??? Drew and Peyt would have done this for hours!
Look at Grandma's skills!
She got creative :)
Then fun dancing with Grandpa at the Concert...I just observed :) haha
This was from last week, but I thought it was hilarious! Drew wanted to sleep with this helmet on! after we had visited at my dads for awhile, Brenna sent us on our way with this treat bag for the ride home. Cute!
AND THE MOST EXCITING NEWS OF ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We stopped by our lot on the way home from Park City this morning to see this:
Coming right along! The hole was dug on Tuesday, footings Thursday and Foundation Friday! Just to hope it will all continue to go this smooth and quickly. Even better, Tyson met our next door neighbors who have boys the EXACT same age as ours! YEA!!! We can't wait to be in one day and call it home.
So there is for a quick update! Enjoy!
Sounds like fun! That's so exciting about the house!!!!!! (:
Loving the updates,
Ah! We have the same blog background. I had no idea until I came to yours today. Oh how great minds think alike. Come to Arizona already! I live 2 minutes from H&M...tempting?
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