Monday, February 28, 2011


a little dreaded if you wanna know the truth...this morning I had my check-up. He and I both hoping we had MAJOR progress, but low and behold, nothing too much. He did say I'm a 3 now, which is something. So I will be glad for that, just wish it had been a 4 or a 5! haha I can't complain, seeing how this little chica really isn't due for 13 days anyway. AND with Drew I went past my due date, can't expect much, right? My Dr. said he was sorry, but thought I'd make it till my next appt too. At least he was nice enough to be sorry! :) Anyway, just hoping she is healthy, that's all I ask for...even if she passes March 13th.
Not asking for a pitty party AT I just feel extremely huge and the Dr. confirmed my swelling and puffiness. ha Such as the pregnant life, right? Well, there you have it for my not so exciting update! :) Till next Monday...


Adam & Ash Dayton said...

Good luck!!! I look like a HUGE puff ball myself ha ha:) I hope things get moving along soon for ya!

Shannon said...

Hang in there!!! Your time is SO close. She will be here before you know it!! :D

KT said...

You are so stinking close! I can't wait to see her. I hate the last weeks, so uncomfortable, but hopefully you'll get some sleep.