Sunday, May 18, 2014


We decided we wanted to try and do a little getaway. by decided I mean I barely mentioned a cruise to tyson a month ago and the next day he had a couple going with us and was ready to book it! haha It worked out great!
 The night before we left I took full advantage of cuddle time with these kids. That's the worst part is leaving them.
 On our way! Sporting my new lip stain! holla!
 What do ya do when you reach long beach and its crazy hot outside?! roll up your pants yo!
 getting on the ship!
 Our awesome friends, the Sims, joined us! It was so much fun having them with us!
 One of our favorite things was listening to peeps at karaoke! Loved it! Tyson doing our selfie!
 Can't beat this at night!
 How about I think we had like 50 ice cream was a 24/7 option. Who could resist?!

 Water slide racing...! I won, may have cheated. oh well.

 Jodi and I want "no duh" to come back. We were laughing so hard maybe nightly so I had to take a pic to remember! Love this woman!

 Pina colada! yay!

 I loved when they sang and danced for us to say goodbye!
They wouldn't let us have a pic with mr potato head, so we took our own! haha
So much fun! thanks mom for spoiling the kids so we could get away! Until next time.....!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Looks like an awesome time!! :D YAY!