Sunday, June 20, 2010

HaPPy FaTheRs DaY!!!!!!

So many wonderful Fathers in our lives, we are lucky we got to spend two fun days with most of them :) We started off with the traditional swim party with all my moms side of the family...SOOO much fun!
Troy...I think he needs at least one more floatie! haha
Peyt had colored this pic the other day and decided to give it to Tyson for Fathers Day, but he just couldn't wait till Sunday, so Saturday he handed it over :)
Matt lookin' sharp with a new cut!
and one of Drew's pool buddies taking him for a cruise in the water
Tys...proof he swam! haha jk Nice cannon ball! :) Wish I had the splash too!
and just cute Drew.
Grandpa was a little tired from an early start to his morning with a game of golf with the guys.
Happy Fathers Day to Bruce with a new Firepit from the kiddos!
and Drew's other pool buddy helping him aim at his targets!
Some of the party crew...that was left... :)
Brandon entertaining the boys with some baseball
and cute Kinsey...had the pool all to herself
Grandma's craving satisfied with a roasted marshmallow...who doesn't love summer just for these!?!? :)

A long day, with a late night before at the drive in and early morning of Golf...we were beat! Oh and did I mention being dunked multiple times in the pool?? haha But it's worth it for all the fun!
Drew just finishing off the chocolate... haha
Tysons RED VELVET cake....another late night! He has a thing with crossword puzzles lately, so it worked perfect in helping with my idea for the cake.
Tysons Fathers Day shirt with Peyts handprints on it...Drew wasn't interested! haha and a new crossword puzzle book so he doesn't have to steal the newspaper upstairs!
A yummy breakfast...omelets, choc. covered fruit and bacon!
My moms cute card for Bruce with his yummy breakfast!

and my dad thought he was getting a nice roll of toilet paper from the kids this year...
haha...a Lagoon pass! JUST what he wanted...hahahaha Well, now he can go have fun with his little fam! :)
My dad and his kiddos...minus Erin...missed you!
and my little gossip buddies, you'd be surprised what they know! haha
and Happy Fathers Day to Rich!

We are lucky to be blessed with so many great fathers and my boys are lucky to have their own wonderful dad too! Love you all and thanks for being the wonderful Fathers you are!!!!

1 comment:

Love Family said...

Hey Ash - Glad you guys had a good Father's Day. We were lame this year and didn't visit anyone. We just stayed home and celebrated with ourselves. You asked what cruise line we are going on--we are going on Royal Caribbean. You guys should totally come! It would be so much fun.