Sunday, February 26, 2012

KiCk it #1...Take the kids sledding!!!

I did good this weekend and knocked 2 goals off the list! I might try for a much better sledding opportunity, but for now this will do...just in case!

I was so excited to take them sledding! We actually had much better luck the night we got there, but had no this is great and is my prove it pic! :)I really can't wait to take them again!

Weekend *FAMILIES* getaway and...!!!

Our neighbor friends invited us on a fun family getaway this weekend up in Wyoming at their lodge. There were 5 families total and it was so much fun. We seriously couldn't believe how amazing the kids all got along! We headed up Friday afternoon and did some sledding and had dinner then stayed up till after midnight! On Saturday the wind and weather was horrible, but that didn't stop us from having so much fun! :)

This was the night before we left...Peyt couldn't sleep cuz I think he was too excited! So he read just a COUPLE books before bed. haha I thought it was cute.
Miss KInlee did NOT want us forgetting her! :) She hopped right in the suit case while I was packing. Love this girl! haha
When we got there there were a good few miles from the entrance to the cabin that had to be plowed by tractors for the cars to get through. So instead of having the kids wait in the car, they hauled us to the cabin on the snowmobiles. It was really fun! So this is Peyt and Drew with Adam.
and Me and Kinlee (her first ride!!!) with Bryce!
Some of the kiddos playing downstairs!
and Peyt was a little tired and homesick. It was way cute actually :) and cute Krew!
So we bundled up and headed out in the crazy cold windy snow weather and did some sledding! Even Kinlee! :)
Check out those frozen faces!!!! Red as EVER! :)

Peyts ride with DAd!
Cute Kinlee and Krew! He is seriously so sweet with her! I love it.
Me and Jamie on the BEST tubin' ride yet! haha Until we made the check engine light(or whatever) come on! haha
and isn't she hot after?!?! hahahahaha Frozen hair and all!
More tube rides!!!
Cute Madi got all bundled up to go on the tube with Drew, then changed her mind and went back inside for a nap! haha CUTE!
Drew's turn with Dad!

On Sunday morning Tys got some cuddling nap time with Kinlee. Seriously Precious. He's too good at that...

While these kiddos got some play/singing time with Ben before we headed home! It was priceless!

So thanks so much to Holly and Adam for the invite and for such a fun weekend away! We loved it and had a great time!

Then after we got home we had Sadie over for ice cream and Grandma Julie finally over for her bday cake!
Happy Birthday Julie and sorry Sadie for ur pain! :(
A couple rounds of the Skittle game! Drew rocked it!
and Kinlee made her way over to play WACK a mole!
Grandma brought the boys glow swords!

So there is for a fun weekend! Love ending the weekend with a good feeling that we enjoyed it!!!

KiCk it #6...Run 6 Miles in 48 min.!!!!!!!

K I know I'm probably seeming lame to the rest of you! But this goal thing for me is super fun! :) On Friday I hopped on the treadmill and started my run...a little into it I decided I wanted to aim for my goal. So I did and by the end I ended up beating it!!! It felt good to accomplish it! It was hard and kicked my butt for the last 2 miles, but I seriously suggest that anyone make some sort of bucket list to complete, it feels SOOO rewarding! YEA!!! :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

FinaLLy for PeyT!

Peyt seriously asks ALL the time if we can take pics of the kids feet, cause when Drew was a baby, I took pics of their hands and feet together. SO! I just didn't think twice and made them finally do it! haha I wasn't gonna do that without pics of them too! So there is the reason for our little photog session :)
He is seriously always so cute with her...he was saying "Kinners! you gotta smile!" ...with him in it. haha
She was scooting EVERYwhere...surprised I even got a pic of them sitting all together.
Mr. Peyt dude. Can NOT believe he will be 7 in June!!! Where has the time gone?!
and the best feet pic we could even attempt! haha
and in color...cause I can't make decisions.
and TADA! their hands! FINALLY :) I'm actually thankful for Peyt and him always wanting to do it, their little hands and feet won't stay this little for long :(
Oh and miss kIn at tub time! :)

30 BeFoRe I'm 30!!!

The Big Kick it LiST!!! I remember an old manager telling me that I was very goal oriented...I never really believed him. But have slowly realized I am! :) I love to have something to accomplish and complete. So! I thought what a better idea then to throw some of the silly, simple,crazy, and fun things out there that I want to do and TRY to have them done before I'm 30! Then as I do them, I will make a post and have a picture for it! I'm actually excited and have been working on my list for awhile and guess I'm ready to post it...
1- Take the kids sledding
2- Try something new or different
3- Run a 5k, 10k or half
4- Take the kids to Disneyland!!!
5- Forgive someone
6- Run 6 Miles in 48 Min.
7- DE-junk...donate or DI it!
8- Memorize an article of Faith with the kids
9- Go to Ellen or Jimmy Fallon LIVE
10- Girls weekend
11- Surprise hubby with overnighter
12- Go camping with our little family
13- Take our family on a hike.
14- Read scriptures once a day to complete the BOM
15- FLOSS EVERY day!
16- Run through the fountains! (I guess wherever I happen to find them! haha)
17- Help someone in need
18- Try a spinning class
19- Do a Kareoke night
20- Plan something spiratic
21- Don't cut CUT my chopping to see how much it will grow in 1 yr:)
22- Attend the temple once a month
23- Wear retainers to bed EVERY night!
24- Compliment someone each day
25- REALLY have lunch with an old friend I haven't seen in forever instead of just saying it
26- Do something meaningful with/for a grandparent
27- Make someones day
28- Do not buy ME an article of clothing!!! GOOD LUCK TO ME!
29- Teach each child something new...
30- Do EXACTLY what the kids choose for ONE day!

I'm really super excited! I hope I can do it...if I have a goal and a reason hopefully I will!!!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Back and SO ReFRESHed!!!

So one thing after another just piled up this week and one day I just realized I needed a good overnight break! Thanks to some good friends who wanted to also be spiratic, we booked a hotel and were off Saturday for a Girls refresher!
This was my first time leaving Kinlee over night. It's def hard the first time :( She gave me a huge hug when I left and was SOOO excited to see me when I got back! I loved it!
My neighb's! That's what I love about fb is reaching out and someone reaches back :) They needed a break too!
We started out with seeing this! (small pic, oops!) and we LOVED it! It was so funny and good! I haven't laughed that much since, well...haha I guess since at least Vday when we all hung out for our date night! But still! :)
A LITTLE shopping while waiting for dinner...
a yummy dinner at Biaggi's along with some chatting...then we realized we didn't have to go home after dinner and could KEEP chatting all night :)
Back to our hotel...haha Taralyns AWESOME pants...her sweet face masks and needless to say, priceless style!
Holly and I are SO Jr. High with our mouth gear! haha Glad I wasn't the only one :)
Seriously can't thank these gals enough for joining in on a fun night out. Learning that Holly can survive in the slum, Jamie really doesn't wear makeup 24/7, and Taralyn has awesome dance moves in her MC hammer pants! I REALLY did learn a lot about them and they don't know how much I learned from them or what examples each of them are. and I really can't believe I don't have more pics! It was so fun, with lots of laughs, chats, pillow fights, jumping on the beds, sauna time, face scrubs/masks(that's what is on my face), oh and how I could I not mention our FREE Breakfast Brunch! Even more amazing-ness added to our lil' trip.
It's amazing how just this little time away, I can come back so refreshed and feel like I can be such a better mom and wife. So thanks to my hubby for letting me go and taking such good care of the kids!
...Until next time!!! .... :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012


But before that...Drews mouth from his candy! haha
and Kinlee's CRAZY hair!!! haha
For my moms FHE this month we went to Chuck e'd think by the boys reaction we were going to Disneyland! haha They loved it! Thanks mom and Bruce!!!!

Thanks again! Way fun! The boys LOVE going there ESPECIALLY with grandma and grandpa! :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

EPIC VaLentiNeS FuN PaRty!

Happy Vday!
Some little treats for the kiddos and hubby!
and some fun decorating! Peyt helped me till afer 10, he was so excited!!!
My cute kiddo Valentines!!! :) Pink Pancakes and strawberries for Breakfast!
and my sweetie eating his Fav...Red Velvet!
a treat from Grandma Debbie! yum!
So pretty much last minute I decided to throw a Vday Party with some neighbor friends! We haven't really all hung out before, so it was much over due. A few couldn't come, but we are more than glad for those that did!!! We ate way too much food, with plenty of leftovers, played fun games and laughed good! haha Even busted out some backdrops for some great "prom and engagment" type pics!
Desserts, yummy drinks, and Mandarin take out! A Valentines Classic!!! :)
some of the kiddos!
and us adults!
We played some Minute to win it games(thanks Nachelle and Jay for the idea!!!) First was keeping all 3 balloons up for a minute.
6 dice balanced on a popsicle stick.
all the tissue out of the box one handed!
and the kids enjoyed that! :)
down to one card on the bottle!
JUNK in YOUr Trunk! Jeff was seriously hilarious! JAmie kept snapping pics, so I couldn't choose just one! haha

Picking up all the bags with only your mouth!
Noodles on spaghetti!
and Jeffs idea to bust out some couple pics! hahaha We made our decor fluffy balls into corsages! Oh ya and making the backdrop out of our tablecloth! haha
Group "dance" pic! haha But Greg is missing his date who had to go save her tired daughter :)
I swear to you, Jeff came up with this jumping pic idea! haha haven't done one of these forever!!
on to engagment pics! haha hilarious!
Just perfect!!! ha
Oh my goodness!!! So much couple date night fun! I seriously loved it and think it will be our new tradition!!! Good laughs are way to great to pass up!!!!!! Thanks friends for coming!
Hope you all had a Happy Vday too!!!!!!!!