Friday, November 2, 2012

VEGAS BABY! and...St.George :)

 This was from the day we were leaving...cute kids! He is so good to her!
 Oh and we decorated our Haunted Gingerbread house the night before too, I think that's when it was! She cracks me up!
 BLACK frosting!
 we allllll loved the frosting!
 Complete! We thought we weren't going to have enough frosting, but there was PLENTY!!!!!
 CRAZY hair day!
 Our first night we stayed at the Monte Carlo.  NEVER stay there! It was disgusting. I complained, they switched us rooms. But we ended up leaving and staying in St. George a 2nd night instead of just one. I love Vegas for a second, but that is about all I can handle. ha Don't you love my cute hubby's pose?!

 My babe placed this umbrella here! haha
 The strip is entertaining but not as much at night as it was during the day! ha
 Our hotel!
 We were tired, eh?

 Awesome part of the trip...he loved every second and worth every penny! haha
 Don't make fun of my sweet outfit! I know it was awesome.
 SO many colors. SO expensive :)
 Gotta love some pf changs fortune!
 My hot hubs!

 These kicks got us around ALL day and then some!
 The first strike I have ever witnessed! hilarious kinda...
 We thought a mirror pic would be funny cuz neither of us have ever done one! haha
 Then we headed to a late night movie, CAUSE WE COULD!, haha Pitch Perfect was hilarious!!!!! and we may or may not have snuck in some ice cream....
 So relaxing going to the temple and not feeling one bit rushed because somebody has your kids all weekend and not just for a temple date.

 Mall trip, complete with GUMBALLS!
 and some TExaS RoaDhouSe! YUMMY!!!!!!!
 My tys is seriously the cutest ever!? Isn't he a looker?! :) Btw, this was our 3rd round for a yogurt stop...
 Our sweet masks we bought the kids!
 and...our2nd mirror pic....
 Driving home with a bubble blowing contest! We did not do good....ha
As soon as I walked in the door and picked her up she didn't move from this position and eventually fell asleep. I loved every second!

So much fun! and a HUGE thanks to my mom and bruce and Sadie for ALL the help! We were lucky to have our kids in such great hands by those who love them so much! and thanks babe for a nice relaxing getaway! Love him!

1 comment:

erin said...

So much fun!!! Love your purple dress. Can you pick one up for me before you come to VA? :) haha