Sunday, December 16, 2012

Missing her

I'm not sure if the shootings this past week are setting off emotions or if its just the time of year. But these last few days have been rough. I'm sure its both combined. When I heard especially of those little innocent kids and school staff whose lives were taken I couldn't help but get emotional. Knowing the pain these families were feeling, and it brought a greater realization for some reason for how long it will be till I can see my sweet mother in law again. What I wouldn't give to be able to put my arms around her and tell her how much I love and miss her. I know Christmas will be especially hard, but am thankful for the wonderful family that surrounds us here on this earth with love and support. I hope Grandma Julie gets to see her grandkids Christmas morning, one of her greatest joys!  We miss her and we love her so much and couldn't ask for a better angel to watch over us. I have been thankful for the wonderful experiences we have been blessed with since she has passed, to feel of her love and comfort. So thankful for the memories she left behind. Not a day goes by we don't think of her. Not a prayer of Drews goes by without blessing his Grandma Julie either. I hope our kids will forever remember her and the wonderful person she was. Love you Julie.

1 comment:

erin said...

SOOO sweet!! Love you Ash!!