Sunday, December 1, 2013

Park City!

 When we first got there we went and saw Frozen! LOVED IT!
 Love this lady!

 Kinlee loves grandma and paka!

 Decorating Cookies!

 Making Santa Ornaments!

 Thanks to my cousins husband for getting Peyt and Tys tickets for FREE! Couldn't be more thankful! He was so excited and loved it!
 Drew wanted a pic right here with the snow behind them. haha

 Drew was so cute and wanted a pic with this bench. so cute!
 She loves pushing the buttons on the elevator, so I took her and off we went to go up and down! haha
 Painting their ornaments!
Thanks mom and bruce! So much fun! My kids never want to leave! Until next year....!

1 comment:

The Jeridans said...

Looks like a BLAST!!! I admire you for being so diligent with your blog. I have slipped so much this past year, but I love it for journaling.