Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dear Grandma Julie,

I never imagined this would be our reality. But on July 24th around 1:30 am. You chose to be with our Father in Heaven, we are sure you flew up to heaven on the wings of an angel, to your loved ones waiting. Julie, words will never express the sorrow, love, heartache and appreciation we have for you and will continue to have for you forever in this life. We will miss you till the day we get to embrace your loving arms and tell you how much we love you, how much we have missed you, how sorry we are that we didn't know how to help you or didn't do what we COULD have. You never know the full pain someone is bearing, you never know when today could be the last day to tell someone you love and care about JUST how you feel. There are so many things I want to tell you, but am so thankful that I KNOW without a doubt, I will see you again. WE love you so much and words will never be enough to explain the most pain we have ever felt, but also the overwhelming comfort and peace that has followed. That we have found through the temple. We are so thankful for our knowledge that Families ARE forever.
This was one of your favorite pictures. You wanted to have family pictures done. But then called us all and said to wear our pj's. We were all laughing wondering why the heck you wanted to do that. But now, it's all different. It's a story that we won't forget.
Our kids will always know how much you loved them, how much you loved everyone and know your great example. and most of all your love for will always be remembered. We love you.
We know you are smiling down, saying "don't worry about me..."

1 comment:

erin said...

SOOO sweet!! I know it took a lot to write this... How do you feel writing it out?