Sunday, March 4, 2012


I was so proud of Drew today and wanted to remember...we were sitting in Sacrament meeting and Drew's old primary teacher got up, shortly after Drew said he wanted to go up and talk. I told him to ask dad to take him :) ha So he did and Tys took his hand and they started walking, they got about half way and Drew changed his mind. Then I talked to Drew and told him Dad would help him know what to say just like his teachers(cuz he wanted his teachers to help him) So he got brave and just the courage he needed to go back up there, and all the way this time! I loved hearing his cute voice over the microphone bear his testimony. It was seriously so sweet! I may be dramatic, but it was! Peyt hasn't done that yet, so it was the first time for us! When he came back down I told him good job and asked him how it made him feel, he said "good!" Aw! Loved it!

1 comment:

gramma debbie said...

Drew that is so awesome!! I love you!! XXOO