Tuesday, December 28, 2010

SHE MoVEs!!!

Once again, this is more just for our record keeping than for you to probably care about reading :) Our baby has been super active, BUT especially lately. As I sat in church on Sunday I kept watching my belly and you can finally like actually see her moving around in there. I am amazed by it! It is so crazy to me, not mattering that it's my 3rd time, I still think it's beyond words that there is a human being inside me that I can feel moving non-stop all day long. It makes me a little worried that this little one will have a huge case of A.D.D!! haha :) Anyway, I'm still in hopes that this is STILL a GiRL...but only to find out for sure at my next appointment, can't wait to take a peek! ...and hoping the girl thing is so since she did get a couple of her own cute Christmas presents! :)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I LOVE your updates!!! :D I can't wait to meet the little Miss - she will have to be active to keep up with her brothers!! :)