Friday, April 8, 2011

One of those days where...

I guess first of all I feel the need to blog the fun pics at 11 at night! :) Should be in bed...oh well... it's totally normal to wake up to Spiderman chillin' in the skid loader! hahaha The boys thought this was HILARIOUS! Thanks's on, let the fun begin! :) Or where I have another sleeping pic of Miss Kinlee... Tys tells me to go enjoy a nap with Kinlee while he entertains the boys and 2-3(Erin, this means the same as 2 1/2 hours, if you need help figuring that out...haha love ya) hours may or may not have easily passed by... :) I know! LUCKY ME! THanks sweetie!!! Must have needed it. Peyt wants to write numbers and more numbers cause he's bored and bummed he can't play in the snow because at our house, it'd be just like playing in the mud :) we just take more and more pics of our little sweetheart! Got to before she gets even BIGGER! Newborn onsies are getting snug :( last but not least...Peyt wanted to invite a couple friends over to watch Tron since it just came out. His choice of friends...DAsh, who is on a he decided not to choose someone else, but narrow it down to two more who were Tate, but he couldn't come because he ended up still being sick :( Missed him, AND another one of his best buddies, Jaxon, our next door neighbor. Who COULD come! :) YEA! Popcorn, drinks and ice cream and they actually sat through the whole movie! So there is for one of those days where we took lots of pics and enjoyed time just veggin' because, well, we could :)


Heather Thompson said...

Sad Tate couldn't be there... I'll have to do one soon to make up for it!

Jamie Hadlow said...

I'm going to have to get better at blogging! You are so good, you have more pic's of my boys that I do! Jax had so much fun. He kept talking about how cool Peyt is:)