Thursday, November 10, 2011


I'm on a bloggin' roll lately! Kuddos to me! haha

This is Peyts name in chinese! Isn't that awesome!?!?
and this is a cute drawing that Drew brought home from school. I asked who it was and he said "Me n Peyt!" He seriously loves his big brother!

Today was a rough day, it probably doesn't help that Miss Kinlee isn't sleeping very by 7 am when Peyt is springing out of bed, I am nearly a zombie! But today it was just one thing after another. By the end of the night I sat back and thought that all these problems are things brought on by the "world" ... and none of it REALLY mattered. I guess that explains my post little family, my awesome hubby and kiddos, they are what is important and what matter most. Tys ALWAYS reminds me that our problems lie in our wants, not our needs. Couldn't have put it better myself. I'm just so lucky to have a great husband that helps me put things back into perspective. Love him. and really love these 3 kids that help me in more ways than they know. Cherish your family, they are what completes true happiness.

1 comment:

erin said...

Sorry didn't realize you were having such a bad day. I am so insensitive.
Peyton's name in Chinese is so cool. I am jealous that your school teachings a language..wish logans did!!
Cute pictures of all your kiddos...