Tuesday, September 7, 2010

LaBoR DaY...!

and huge HALLELUJAH for me to have even had a camera in my hand to take pics of SOMETHING we did so I actually have something to blog:) I filled up my moms memory card with plenty of fun pics...I have yet to buy my own camera, but I'll get there. Glad there are some spares to use :)
Yesterday for Labor Day we had to come up with some alternate fun because the cover to the pool saw it's last day on Friday...so my mom and Bruce came up with other fun that kept plenty of entertainment going. The boys watching a movie and enjoying popcorn while waiting for the fam to come...
Grandma filling up water balloons while getting herself and the kids soaked!
So it began...well, way before this pic when the boys tried to sneak up on me and Jill and throw water balloons at us, and we were already missing...haha too bad they tormented eachother instead...
But Nate didn't stand for it and soon got Tys back.
Cute Eli LOVES his goggles!
Water Balloon Volleyball
Cute August just chillin with his mommy
More Volleyball
Eli's reaction to a water balloon landing right next to him and getting him wet...haha cute.
and the kiddos enjoying ANOTHER treat...after brownies, sherbet floats, cornflake treats and smores they enjoyed popsicles! :) Thanks Grandma Debbie...

So for a fun filled day. We played all day and then the guys even watched the football game that night. Perfect weather and yummy food, can't complain :)

1 comment:

Braxton Cutler said...

Man, it looks like you guys had a ton of fun! Someday the Cutler's will be healthy enough to join in. SOMEDAY!!!! Oh well. I am glad that the weather turned out and that you had fun.