Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Too MuCh FuN?!?

Never. Haha
Just love Drew's hilarious posed face that he held till I took this picture! Too cute.
Cousin sleepover AND sleep??? YA RIGHT! haha Madi got to come have a sleepover...after a movie and popcorn, we tried getting the kiddos in bed. After about 2 seconds, we heard Madi say "but we need to read books." So out came all the books on the bed followed by lots of jumping on the bed! They were having too much fun. So by 11 we decided to put on Mickey and see if they'd fall asleep...NOPE! Onto Peter Pan, Peyt fell asleep during it, but Drew and Madi were still wide awake. Finally around 12:30, Madi said "I'm tired, I wanna go to bed." haha So much fun, the boys can't wait to do it again! and I must admit it was fun having a little girls hair to do and nails to paint! :)
After brushing their teeth...the nightly routine of their horsie ride to bed!
STORY time. :)

This one is old, and fuzzy, BUT cute boys needing their daily time in the tub FROM being boys!
LAST but not LEAST of the fun...One of the COOLEST uncles, Uncle Taylor, invited the boys to come play at Kangaroo Zoo where he works. They had the whole place to themselves and had so much fun! Even Taylor played on all the toys with them. They can't wait to go back! :)

So just a little or too much fun we've had lately! Love these boys!!!


Adam & Ash Dayton said...

Hey Ash! Congrats to you too:) I am due on the 30th, how about you? What a cute way to tell your family:)

Unknown said...

Congrats on #3 :) That is so much fun! We're expecting #3 also..due in May! Hope your feeling good...cuz I'm not :/ haha!