Saturday, August 6, 2011

Simply... F.U.N.

Wow! and here it began...
So our AWESOME neighbors had invited us over for a "campfire" the other night... until we heard thunder and the rain pouring down...then we happened to meet up outside and they started performing for us instead! hahaha Aren't we lucky to have such great entertainment RIGHT next door?!?
THEN, the boys usually watch a show while I get ready for the day. Instead when I got out of the shower I loaded the tub with water and PLENTY of bubbles and TOYS! I went downstairs and told them I had a surprise. They LOVED it! haha
SiLLy boys!

They would get covered in soap then look in the reflection from the shower door and crack up! It was hilarious!
AND after going to see Kung Fu Panda 2...the boys wanted to go home with Grandma, so she let them :) Kinlee and I got some fun girlie time cause she wasn't ready for a nap. She got her toes done and her hair curled! Aw! So much fun! I seriously was loving every second. I can't wait for the million more of these to come with my little girl!
She is so cute and so fun!
AND then Jamie joined me for a GIRLS night at Ross with SAdie and Beth, then they talked us into dinner too. WOW! I have not laughed that hard for such a long time! It was so much fun and so needed. I don't think Sadie and Beth thought we were near as funny as we thought we were...but I told them they would understand one day when they are moms that don't get out much anymore :) haha THANKS girls for such a fun night!
I got some cuddle fun and movie time with these cute kiddos while Tys took Peyt golfing. The deal was made after hours of negotiating on Peyt and Drews end of who got to go with dad tonight and who had to settle for waiting till Monday :) Cute.
He adores her and it's SO cute!
and there is for some simple fun as of lately :) I love when I have a smile on my face and can forget about the stresses of life! Thanks friends and fam! Love you! :)


erin said...

That picture of jamie and her husband is too funny!! Made me laugh!!
I want to see close up pictures of Kinlee's curled hair!! That would be fun to have someone to do up...
Anyways, looks like life is way fun! Your kiddos are way cute!

gramma debbie said...

I love those picts!! So cute! Kinlee is so dang cute! Like Erin, I would like to see her hair up close!! Kinlee & Drew are so cute, he loves her so much!! Fun Times!! Xxoo

Sadie Love said...

i think you are pretty funny Ashlee. It was a way fun night! i am glad you hang out with me!