Thursday, August 18, 2011

**SuMmER TiMe**

Trying to enjoy the last days before school starts!!! :(
A lil' fun at the Bountiful Splash Pad or South DAvis Recreation or whatever it's really called :) Thanks for making it even more fun friends!

Kinlee looks like she has definately not seen as much sun as her brothers! ha
Cute girl!
And more...I'm lovin' her pig tails so we might be snapping more pics!
More friend fun! Putting the sprinkler under the tramp, slushies, cookies and treats that entertain!
Miss Kinlee is getting so good at sitting up! It's sad but so cute at the same time.
Drew and I enjoying a day at Cherry Hill. That's what he wanted to do for his Birthday, and since it will be closed on his Birthday we had to improvise! Today worked so we went for it! and had so much fun. We rode the slides a bazillion times! He's getting too big :(
Cute boy! Lovin' his "fishies"
So then Peyt was out having fun with cousins so after we picked up Kinlee from Grandmas, we decided to head BACK to Cherry Hill for more fun! ha So Kinlee enjoyed her first time at Cherry Hill today and loved the Lazy River!
Such a good Big Brother!
We celebrated Matts Bday...check out those flames!!!! AHHH! happy Birthday bro. LOVE YA!
Drew taking care of Kinlee. Who had too much can't tell in this pic, but she was exhausted...eyes so red and tired and a poor little runny nose. Teething or a cold? How do we know?!?! So hoping she feels better tomorrow so we can continue our fun summer plans!
AW! I feel like I have blinked and the summer just passed us by! Geez! At least we are making sure we enjoy every last second!

1 comment:

KT said...

There's a btfl splash pad? Is it new?
Where did this summer go!??!