Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bees GaMe!!

Tonight we decided to go down to SL to watch a little baseball...and little it was! Drew is just not quite old enough to have the patience to sit through a whole game, let alone baseball!! It was fun though! We used to go all the time when I was younger, and I've always loved going!! Maybe next time Tyson and Peyton will have to go, I don't think either of them were ready to leave the game so soon!!

(this is the best I get for trying to take a pic of them while actually wanting to watch the game!)


Yatesfam said...

Oh fun! My girls LOVE Bees games. But we have never really tried to sit in the seats we always just bring a blanket and camp out on the grass so they can run around. I love how into the game Peyton looks. So cute!

gramma debbie said...

What a fun family activity!! Next time leave Drew with us and go with the boys and enjoy the game!! Looks like Tyson and Peyt really loved it! (it was cold too, maybe that had something to do with Drew!) A blanket sounds fun like Ash said!! Drew would still keep you hopping tho!! What a cutie!

KT said...

I laughed at Tyson's look, you can tell he is thinking why a pic I want to watch the game! He still smiled though what a good sport.

Heather Thompson said...

Fun! I want to come with you guys next time... and we should get grass seats so Drew can run around!