Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How FuN is ThiS?!?!

Today our friend Lauren had some friends over from HS for a little swim party...along with us comes our cute little kids! The best part is all of them are somewhat close in age and make great buddies! It was a lot of fun and good to see you girls!
Kids..top to bottom left to right:
Lucy 2 this fall, Ethan 2 this fall, Kade 2 this December, Shay born in March, Leo born in April(?), Drew and Peyt and Cole who just turned 4. Fun to have our kids all around the same time with no planning! It's perfect!!

I would definately say Lucy and Shay are two lucky girls!! Look at all these cute boys they will have to choose from! =)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

So many cute pictures! I love your family picture at the top of your blog and the ones on the side too!