Friday, January 1, 2010

HaPPY NeW YeaR...and then SOME...!

Well, the "and then SOME" actually comes first...while my family is still sleeping from our 2nd late night entertainment, of course, I am awake and can't sleep in...thank heavens for blogging or else what would I do!?!? haha...Here it goes-

Our neighbors, The Bellistons are sadly moving far far away so we had them put together a list and invited all of their friends to come spend one last night of fun with them before Trent left the next day. We had so much fun and are going to miss not just our neighbors, but our good friends...hope they come back to visit soon!
Misty and I testing the camera while setting up the fun! : )
HaPPY BiRthDay to Mikelle and Jamie, they share the same special day!
The first or maybe second group Rockin' it at Band Hero...thanks to my brother Nate for his projecter and screen to play on!!
I like this one Jamie... :)

"Ry from the ward" always ready for a perfect pose...ha ha While Misty always has a great smile!

Jared was teaching them "The Jerk" and then broke out some amazing dance skills! I was impressed!
They WERE all dancing...but looks like I just got you Darci going to town in this one :)
AND MOST of Trent and Mikelles friends...this was at the end, so sorry to those that had already left and missed the pic.
My other great brother...thanks for his DJ'ing music wouldn't have been near as much fun without it!
and the after games...trying to keep the ball from touching the ground...
Some of the girls and some great friends!
Mikelle....what happened??? hahaha...can't stop laughing at these, there are like 5 more, it was hard to choose which ones to put on here!!!
Thanks for the posing advice men...the pic turned out FAB!!! If I didn't know better, I MIGHT just think this is a Volleyball team picutre! haha
The guys saying goodbye to Trent! We hope he arrives safely!!
OH, the night didn't end there! Our great friends invited us over to punch...lets see what would have been OVER 1,000 holes and string through them too...all for the Stake New Years Eve dance, I hope the kids loved their dance made for a lovely after 1 AM fun and here is the finished product!!
and on to NEW YEARS EVE FUN....!!!!!!! A interesting dinner at Red Robin, maybe we SHOULD have BBQ'd instead :)
Misty and I decided on our store run we better enjoy an energy drink to keep us going for the supposive all nighter...
Cute Lexi!
Happy New Year!!....The kids..oh and it looks like Ryan enjoyed banging the pots to bring in 2010 too
Awww...isn't that sweet! :)

Lovely...oh...good times!
Misty nailed the jerk and showed us her crazy skills! :)

We had a fun last few days! The boys even got to enjoy a sleepover at Grandmas and go see the new Chipmunk movie, and they loved that too! Thanks mom! Thanks to all of our friends for some good entertainment at Bellistons party and to our continued fun with our great Burton friends for New Years Eve! Here's to wishing you a "Happy 10!!!" Ha Ha


TBird and Mikelle said...

Thanks a million for a fantastic night! I couldn't ask for better friends! Just love ya to pieces!

Nelson said...

Looks like you've been partying it up! You sure know how to have fun, which is exactly what I like about you. Maybe someday we'll actually get together again and make some more memories.

Burton Family said...

GOOD TIMES...GOOD TIMES. It sure looks like we partied it up. Thanks for a GREAT week!!!

Burton Family said...

When you said Misty "nailed the Jerk" were you referring to me? Or the dance move??? How Bizarre!!!