Saturday, October 3, 2009


We got our computer back !! YEA! It has been kinda nice I have to admit, but it is also nice having it back! SO...finally...some updates~!
FIRST...most Important! Our energetic little Drew turned 2!!!!

We had a Mickey birthday for him, cause he seriously loves him! It was fun, this year we decided to do dinner for the fam which turned out great and did some prizes, karoke, a bouncer toy for the kids and just fun with good laughs! Thanks to everyone who could make it! We love that we have so much family around!!
The Birthday party Crew! Thanks for cooperating for a pic! =)

Enjoying his cupcake for lunch(or should I say the frosting!), he can do that right?!? You can do whatever you want on your birthday!

My mom and Bruce were the last ones to leave the party, and every time they tried to sneak out the door Drew would get so sad! He even thought he was leaving with them and went and grabbed his pj's to head out the door! Too cute!
You also get to do this on your Birthday! Eat whatever is left over! =)
He loved all of his presents, but I think this truck is a fav!
My sweet little brother loves taking pics, but somehow missed the ones of Drew blowing out the candles on his cake, so LUCKILY we had a back up with my moms cookie "card" and got some pics!

Playing his new Memory Match game!
Dad and Peyt enjoying the cookie!
AND Drews new table! They love having it, glad we finally found one for him!
hmmm...Drew at his 2 Yr. Check up! He used to love going and was seriously such an angel...lets just say he has gone for the opposite on that attitude!

It is fun though just thinking that our boys go the same DR. that Tyson had when he was little! Tys was one of his first patients!
Drew's measurments:
Weight 45 %
Height 47 %
And he'll just keep growing! We seriously love him so much and he definately keeps us entertained constantly! Some of his favorite things are: Mickey, teasing his brother, frosting!, the middle of the Oreos, Spaghetti, jumping on the tramp, he loves pulling himself up on anything, loves making messes and being a little terror! haha, playing Spiderman on the Swing, he also does this hop/skip all the time as he walks around, it is hilarious! He is saying almost everything or at least tries to repeat everything you say! He's a happy little guy, but also has his temper! =)
HapPY BirTHDay to OuR little Drew! Love YOU!!!

1 comment:

KT said...

You guys do know how to party! Thanks for having us. Drew is so cute. Glad to hear your computer is back to entertain me.
I love your background BTW