Sunday, December 18, 2011


I have loved the hours of searching through pictures, I have realized through this that even more so now than before how important pictures are and how I need to make sure I continue taking them with the ones I love! Love you Grandpa! Thank you for always putting up with my picture taking times! :) I do feel "Lucky" to have found so many...
As I found these pics, I also realized I want to make sure I continue posting all the pics I continue to take...
Peyts Santa from Art and Drews Nativity from church. Thought they were cute!
Peyts blue tongue! Ps...Blue raspberry lemonade or something was the flavor and it was SO yummy!
Love my Drew!
Not sure...but it was Pj day at school :)
Drew snapped this one of me to remember his cute little ornament he made at school! and the bag it came in. SO cute!! He was SO excited to give it to us, it couldn't wait till Christmas.
Drew snapped this too! Miss Kinlee getting into everything now :)
hahaha...enough said! :)
Breakfast with Santa before face painting. Braxton says this is his pose that he does to make sure he looks good in case it goes on blogs or FB, please convince him he should practice a pose that includes at least a little smile :)

They were loving this bear.

Cookie time!
Drew was SOOO excited to see Santa. When he came out, Drew started jumping up and down clapping his hands and wanted to go tell dad right away!

My little princess! She loved the bear!
More cookies!
My sweetie! :)
We also celebrated Grandpa Bruces Birthday!
Thank you mom and Bruce for such a great morning!
Kinlee LOVES GRandpa scruff! It's so funnny
Then up to Jaxson and Kinsey's for a Christmas party. That 1 1/2 drive was great and now we know why they don't come down for everything, the driving adds up with kiddos :)
our "silly" faces
Kin was tired, but not as soon as she got a present!

Peyt LOVES Monopoly!
Drew said "Oh this is my favorite! I saw it on the commercial, on the big movie!" hahahaha He is so hilarious! and has just started with this smile :)
Cute girl! She is so funny figuring out all these different moves.

I couldn't choose one pic, so she obviously got a few....
and can I just say I have the best most thoughtful sister in law (who also happens to be one of my best friends) in the whole wide world! I was suppose to hang out with her on Friday night, but when I never got back to her I explained about my sweet Grandpa. It was fresh and kinda hard to admit that my grandpa had passed away. She doesn't know how comforting her words were that morning, and then to make my day she showed up that afternoon with these and a sweet card. Thank you SAdie and Carston, you are amazing and so thoughtful! Love ya

1 comment:

Sadie Love said...

Thank you Ashlee! I am glad that you got to spend that last night with your Grandpa. Love your guts!