Thursday, December 1, 2011


Little Dylan and Drew get to play every week! I thought this one was cute!

On Monday our awesome friends the Thompsons invited us to the Layton Lights...Tys was held up away so they had the kiddos and me ride with them! We thought it was funny Shaun crawled right in the back so we could all fit! ha thanks SHAUN! :)

The girlies! Heather is prego with a little girl!!! YEA! SOOO excited for her to get her girl!
We decided to drive through the lights and stuck all the boys in back :)
Cute Peyt helping cute Drew to read. Drew does AWESOME and loves to take a turn reading too.
YEA!!! OUR WONDERFUL friend helped do our lights and put together this awesome pattern! WE LOVE THEM!!!! Nothing greater than lights on our house for Christmas!
One of my long time BF! She has been and will always be there for me. Love her! So we decided to grab some ice cream to celebrate her Birthday~!
Happy Birthday LEW! and Yea for HOllie joining us!!! Can't wait till next time!
I swear I'm never gonna make her get rid of this binki...I don't want my baby to grow up... :(
AND HOLY CRAP!!!! I could not believe the destruction the wind did today!!! So I had to share some!
Peyt liked the stop sign upside down :)

Seriously, how do trees this huge just come out of the ground?!!?
Drew really wanted his pic with this one! I thought it was awesome, I figured since it was a historical event I wanted to take the kids through the main streets of Kaysville and Farmington to see it all. It was crazy!!! Glad nobody has been hurt, according to my FIL who is a Firefighter in Farmington. He has just been awake since 3 AM he said taking calls from all the wind!

1 comment:

erin said...

You are SO cute!! Love you much!