Saturday, May 29, 2010

ReaLLy...???? Really.... REALLY!!! my mom brought me home a great surprise yesterday!!! Sadly, this shirt was finally sold for only $1!! HIlarious!!! Edward has stooped that low I guess. too bad! But I still thought it was funny that my mom got it for me...thanks MOM!hahaha Just wondering if I should have one made with Tysons face on it now??? hmmmm....

ReAlly. :)

And the SUN was shining and was PRETTY WARM for a lot of the day today, so while doing fixer-ups here and there my mom and I finally gave into the boys request to play with the slide and slip-n-slide. Mind you, my mom, Bruce and I were in pants and sweatshirts and these boys didn't mind a soon as we started blowing up the slide, Peyt and Drew were off with their shirts and determined to find their swimsuits. Hilarious and cute! They loved it and it entertained them for HOURS!
First time down...!
Drew didn't want to go, but when he seemed a little interested, my mom got him on there...on his belly. He loved it! :) So here's his first ride down.
After one slide down, Drew needed his he bundled himself up!

An hour or two later...they were still playing on it without the water.

Look at the air these little guys got! Interesting how different Drew stayed looking so sharp and

Peyt is kinda like whatever...
and Really. again. :)

Well, then when I got home from the store the watermelon didn't make it quite into the kitchen where Drew could eat it, so he made sure he took care of that by carrying it across the family room to the kitchen...

So this watermelon was .25 a Pound and it cost over $3, which could only mean Drew is hauling around an over 12 Pound Watermelon!

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