Friday, April 30, 2010

I think it's simply...Neat.

But that's just if you ask me. :) I guess if nothing else, I want this for Peyt to remember... anyway, so if you remember when I took the boys to the Dentist, he told Peyton that he had a VERY deep cavity that was so close to the nerve that they would most likely have to do a Baby root canal and crown on him to fix it. AHHH!!! I totally freaked, so sad first of all for him to have to go through it, second, because I am the one who helps him brush his teeth and should be better at keeping him on top of it and doing it more often. Well, this morning was his appt. to go get it fixed. Before we left, I really was just hoping there would be some miracle and he wouldn't have to get a root canal and crown. So I told Peyton that maybe he could say a little prayer to Heavenly Father so that maybe he wouldn't have to get a root canal. In hopes that it wouldn't be THAT bad after all... he looked at me and then ran off, came back and said "Mom, it's just too hard to do that prayer." Cute. So I helped him and explained about Faith and how it can help us. Off we went to the Dentist. (and thanks to my mom who watched Drew, it would have been a nightmare with him there!) Well, we got there and Peyton wanted me to hold him and WOULD NOT let go of me and he started bawling. He didn't want to sit in the chair. After MUCH bribing, and me practically having to lay in the chair with him, the Dental Assistant got him to wear the "Pig nose" and cranked it up. Finally he was relaxed and didn't have a care in the world. He even went on about how he was going to share his "prize" with Drew and how nice it is of him to share and how good he was being. :) Then the Dentist came in and pulled up the X-ray and showed me how deep the cavity was and how close it was to the nerve. He said he was almost positive he was doing the root canal on Peyt, it was his "gut feeling". He got in his tooth and said "It's crazy, I can't believe it...I could have sworn it looked much worse." He even looked back at the X-ray on the computer to take another look. Yes, you guessed it. NO root canal and crown for Peyt!!!!! It ended up being much more small and it took 2 seconds to fill!!! I know it sounds cheezy, but I almost started crying but was probably beaming because of Peyts little prayer to help his tooth not be so bad, and it wasn't. It is the little things like this that are amazing. To some of you it might not seem like a big deal, but to me that was such a great moment and example of great Faith. Peyton was a little out of it and very dizzy...when I tried to explain to him how awesome it was what had happened. He just looked at me disgusted, like..."can you talk to me about that mouth is numb and I was just traumatized!" Anyway, that is for my little story that I think was so neat!!

and here is cute Peyt...on cloud 9!! haha


Jamie Reese said...

I love that story. I am so glad that everything worked out. Yaaaa!

TBird and Mikelle said...

That is great news, slong with Jamie I lvoed that story! What a great example of Pure innocent faith! Hope Peyt heals up quick! I always hated the dentist!

Amanda said...

That is such an awesome story! Good thing you're keeping record of this stuff in a blog, huh? (:

The Birds said...

These simple examples are such testimony builders for you and your little man! Good teaching! I am glad that he did not have to have a root canal! They are the worst!

gramma debbie said...

That is a great story!! I didn't know that he had prayed for it to be smaller! But it is for sure prayer and faith go hand in hand!! What a trooper! No sedation either, what a big boy you are Peyton!! Love you!

KT said...

That is so awesome. Great parenting moment Ash;)
Avery was hillarious on the gas. She would hum and have the nurse guess what song it was

The Jensen's said...

This is such a great story. What a trooper!

Ashlie said...

The faith of a child is so POWERFUL!! Sometimes I think I learn more from my kids then they do from me!!! Thanks for sharing and I'm so glad he didn't have to get that root canal...those are horrible!