Saturday, November 13, 2010


And not much to show for it...running errands everywhere and not being home...or so it seems! :) At least I am finally feeling better, so I won't complain that we've been able to get things done. Updates on our house to come's coming along! YEA!!! But till then here is a few of the latest pics from being here...
We have been in the Scouts for awhile now, but I haven't ever taken pics with them. For our last activity we had a little cookout, learning to cook an "outdoor meal" This was the easiest thing we could come up with AND the boys, even our little guys, LOVED it! Even though Peyt looks scared for his life. haha
Since Nate and his Jill sweetie our far far away my mom is taking her turn watching these little rascals! :) They are so cute and so much fun, but A LOT of work...not that I've done much, but I can see how much work it is for my mom and would be for their own mom and dad. Too funny.

But Peyt and Drew have loved having them around and haven't left their side much of the time. Lots of sleepovers and FuN cousin time!
So a LITTLE of what we've been doing, nothing else is much worth posting since it's not too exciting...UNTIL I get some updates on our house, then I'll post again! :)

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