Saturday, November 20, 2010

JuSt a LiTTLe MoRe...YEA!

I wanted to hurry and post this so it was right behind our other progress...
Tys finally had a chance to get our front porch sealed. I think it turned out AWESOME! He is amazing and does amazing work!

Peyt just wanted to go down and watch Tys spread the dirt around in his skid loader. So he bundled up and after getting plenty of dirt blown on him, he then decided he wanted to sit in the car and watch him. It was really cute, cause he would say "I love dad, he is so nice" ... while talking about working on our house for us. He really appreciates his dad and looks up to him, it's really cute. I love to hear how thankful he is and he can't say enough times how "pretty" or "beautiful" or house is and how bad he wants to just live there. I love it!
And this is Mr. Drew...completely exhausted from our night on the couch. He's had a cough for awhile, but yesterday he had barely coughed until I think he ran around too much enjoying some fun time with his brother and then he ended up with a barking cough that kept him AND me up about every hour last night. So after he had some lunch and while I was making some pies, I found this little guy on the couch like this...comfortable? He doesn't even care :)


KT said...

Sounds like Drew has Croup, have you taken him in? My kids have had it tons.
Your front porch is amazing! Love it

Shannon said...

The house looks amazing! I can't wait to see it!

Sorry about lil Drew. :(