First we get to start out our Thanksgiving Day with a yummy Breakfast at my dads every year...always successful fun and food with a cute Santa we brought home this year.
Thanks Dad and Shan!
Then we switch off every year with Tysons dad and my grandparents. This year we headed to my Grandmas in Sandy. So good to see the family we never get to see and enjoy some MORE yummy and delicious food! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Tait!
THEN...we head up to the traditional Park City entertainment week/weekend of shopping, games, and just relaxing really while all the cousins get to play non-stop.
After starting our shopping at the Outlets at 9 PM this 1:30 AM Braxton was hungry and ready for Hot Chocolate and Pancakes! So we stopped then headed home for MORE online Shopping! Which was SOOO nice...and not to mention maybe a little snack of some left over pie....hahaha
THIS is for my boys...every time they are getting undressed they kick their pants and underwear off their legs as HIGH as they can. Drews landed RIGHT there, up above the TV, perfect on the handle. We all thought it was hilarious! The boys loved it and were SURE proud!
Peyt, Drew and Dash were playing workers with the Westgate Binders and they would, shower, work and maybe eat? Anyway, this is them at their shower time, I thought it was hilariously cute!
and their binders...except Peyt must have had this day off! haha
While Aaron and Tys were watching the game, we decided to pile in Ems car and go for a 7 Eleven run...where we found out the little slurpees were FREE for "Purple Friday" introducing their new grape flavor! YUM! These cousins LOVED playing together every minute they could! I guess that's really what the Park City trip is for! :) OH and the good Outlet deals!
This little tired tired tired guy...sat on my lap and fell asleep in like 2 seconds. Love cuddling with my little boys! PS...don't mind me, I am WELL AWARE that I look or actually am I guess, about 50 LBS heavier with this little baby :) (yes, You know I am exagerating, but it sure feels like it!)
Cute cousins going over the ads, deciding what they want Santa to bring them...Peyt obviously didn't want to be interrupted.
More cuddling with a popcorn snack while watching Buzz!
Drew was SOOO excited to show dad what he wanted, he'd say "Dad, I like-a that one!" I think he pointed to everything on every page!
Well, that is it for our weekend fun in Park City! The boys LOVE going there and wanted to wait till the VERY last minute to leave. Thanks Mom and Bruce!
******HOUSE UPDATE******
(I understand this is more for us to have, to see before and after pics, so NO I am NOT trying to bore you!) We actually went on Thanksgiving in between meals to finish up on our floor (pics below) so I figured I might as well snap some of the inside while it was worker-free :)
This will be the baby's room...Drew played in their with the sheet rock dust forever...
the boys room to share
main bathroom
mud room/laundry
Master bath
SOME very dirty boys! Oh well, at least they were super good :) Can't complain after sitting there for hours!
Our Basement floor...we are keeping half of it concrete again. The kids LOVED having it to ride their toys on and for playing. AND Tys is a pro at it, so why not let him show his awesome work! Before
During...and yes, we had to measure/tape out all of the squares....
and then cover up the first color of squares and continue spraying
after spraying it all, peeling the tape and all the paper it is!
We had to leave before he was done sealing it, but here is the start! I told him to do whatever with colors and designing it. I think he did an amazing job! Can't wait till it's ALL done~!
YEA for the house coming along!!! Now if the weather can just cooperate long enough, we can finish the exterior!!!
Well and a here's to hoping you had just as great of a Thanksgiving as we did and were successful on your shopping trips! :)
1 comment:
I love the colors of the floor!! It will be so fun to decorate around!! ASWESOME!!
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