Sunday, March 13, 2011

{Kinlee Nicole}

7 Pounds 5 Ounces
21 Inches
Oh my goodness...what an experience! Well here goes the scoop...Tys and I had agreed that we would like to wait to see if we could go on our own with this baby instead of being induced. We were waiting till the due date and if it passed, we would then consider being started. ANYWAY, Thursday was perfect, in the morning I got some alone/date time with Drew and then that night Peyton wanted to run some errands with me. I honestly came home and was so happy I got to spend that time with them and felt like it happened that way for a reason, because neither of them EVER want to really do that. So Thursday late night/Friday early morning, I had to wake up a few times because of contractions. Throughout the day I kept having them, but they were probably between 10-20 min apart, but still hurt! At 7, for an hour straight, I had them 5 min apart and they were definately strong. But then they went back to being about 15 min apart. I called the hospital and they told me I should wait till they were closer. Around 10, they were still 10-15 min apart, but UNBAREABLE! I was bawling. So I called my mom, and as soon as she got there, and we got in the car, they were back to 5 min apart. We stopped at Walmart to grab a memory card (we weren't completely prepared...) then hurried to the hospital. We walked in and the guy at the front asked what we were there for!!! hahaha UM, you would think he could have guessed by looking at a huge prego woman, bawling and barely able to walk in the door! Guess not! So we checked in and they wheeled me upstairs. I was at a 7 and 100%. He broke my water and we were all set and ready to go just before midnight. YES I had an epidural :) and then this little sweet Love made her way here after 3 contractions of pushing at 1 AM on the dot! She is seriously the sweetest thing ever! I love her to pieces and am glad she is here and healthy, so worth the wait! and Tys got his "fun-ness" of having a middle of the night baby and speeding to the hospital! Oh my goodness, I just want time to stand still and soak in every minute with her and our boys. She is seriously cute as ever and so precious. I'll have you know, she did get my long fingernail beds BUT not her brothers long eyelashes! Of course, the girl, ended up with short stubby ones :) Well there is for the quick story and here are for some pics! ENJOY, cause we are!

Us with the Edgingtons who were in town Friday night and stopped by to say hi...i think i was having a contraction during this pic!
Us pre-baby!

Our wonderful Dr. Hurst who delivered all our kiddos,

After her bath with the cute bow tys picked out.

Boys first time meeting their little sister!

Proud big brother!
She didn't have to wait long for pink on her fingers! The nurse said in her 25 yrs, she has never seen painted fingers on a newborn at the hospital! :)

Candlelight dinner

Ready to go home! or is she?? :)


I thought it would be fun to remember all those that could make it to see little Kinlee... First to visit...the boys and then Grandma and Grandpa Yates followed.
Grandpa and Grandma Love
Aunts...Char and Sadie
Uncle Matt
Grandpa -n- Grandma Smith and Uncles Carston and Taylor
Grandma Pickett
Some of the best friends! Misty, Darci, and Jamie...OH and soon or not so soon, boyfriend Jake! :)
and dun dun and last visitor, Uncle Nate!

Now heading to reality and hoping I will still have time to keep up on the blog :) but will just make sure I am enjoying every minute of our little family!


Cody and Meg said...

Wow she is so cute and so so tiny! You look A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! Seriously though you don't even look like you just had a baby! Congratulations!

Jenna said...


KT said...

She is soo cute! I'm so excited for you guys!

Unknown said...

OH she is SO precious! This gets me excited for our little pink bundle to get here in a few weeks :) Hope your feeling good!! Congrats!

Nachelle said...

So cute and love all the outfits you have her in already, my little ones hang in the hospital clothes alway, and the nails are too fun! Congrats!

Cam and Linds said...

She is SOOO Cute!! I love the picture of her and Peyton! Congrats Again!

The Cooper's said...

Congrat's! She is beautiful!

The Thurgoods said...

You were a 7 when you got there?!!? That is amazing. Good job! She is adorable. Congrats!!!

Chereebee said...

oh my goodness ashlee, she is beautiful!!!! and hello, you don't even look like you had a baby, you look fabulous!!! And my fav is that you painted her fingernails, ha ha, love it!! That is totally something I would do! Enjoy having your little girl - girls are soo fun!! (and expensive - ha!!)