Saturday, October 30, 2010

HaPpY HaLLoWeeN!

and then some more...
Wow, I feel so behind but it's only been a couple of days! Geez that means we've been BUSY!!
For starters...Peyt had his Halloween party at school on Thursday. He had already used his Fireman costume that week and said he couldn't be a Fireman again until Halloween "started" haha. So he said he was going to be a Golfer, which fell through, and then he decided he wanted to be a "Worker Guy", which you can't see, but I had ironed that label on the front of his shirt so that people would know what he was. Then he came up with his costume all on his own, chose this vest/jacket thing and it covered up the words. too cute!
Thanks to his teachers for the cute pictures!
On Thursday I was lucky enough to be invited to the Season Opener with my sweet hubby! I don't usually get to go to that one. I love the playoffs and this is what it reminded me of. So much fun! Thanks Em for watching the boys and keeping them overnight (Well, trying with Drew!) haha
They even had fireworks and dropped all these balloons...SO FUN!
More DRESSING up FUN! We had Grandpa Rich & Cindy's Halloween party. Peyt again chose like 5 minutes before the party that he wanted to be a Cowboy...cause his Fireman costume was STILL on hold for Halloween :) So we went through the closet and came up with what we had.
Tys with cute Madi...she has him wrapped around her finger...can't wait to see what he'll be like when we have our own little girl!
and Cute BATMAN! I think he'd wear this everyday if we let him! haha
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for such a fun party with entertaining costumes, creative treats and yummy food!

Every year they have a jar filled with candy, whoever gets the closest guess of how many are in there gets to take all the treats home...the furthest away guess has to fill it back up and bring it next year. Well, Peyt happened to guess 100 and there was 101 candies inside! Yea! We didn't even need to go trick or treating now! :) Funny thing was, Peyt was so tired, probably from his sleepover the night before, that when Summer announced him the winner he started crying. It was hilarious. He didn't like all the excitement and noise from him winning I guess! hahaha
WOW! See it keeps going! :) The boys got to dress up for the Day Care at the gym, they had a cute Halloween party with prizes and treats...on our way out the door Grandpa came down with this funky hair! Obviously you can tell Drew couldn't take his eyes off of him!
Ready to go play...PIRATE style!
AND THEN On our way out the door for Trick or Treating...Peyt kept wanting me to dress up and since I'm saving my actual costume for Halloween (like Peyt I guess! haha) I settled for this, which is supposed to be a witch? haha Nice. At least the boys were satisfied and thought it was fun :)
Grandma took the boys to a couple neighbors while we waited for's SO blurry, but I thought it was super cute.
Trick or stopped raining for just enough time to get some good trick or treating done.
Don't you love Bruce's sweet costume!
By the time we had gone to a few houses, Peyt said "I have enough candy, my basket is full." and he was done. Such a satisfied little guy. Drew on the other hand was taking candy by the handfuls! haha This is a traditional pic with their yummy candy!
We still hadn't carved our pumpkins, but the plan was to fit it in tonight, and Peyt didn't let me forget...we settled on carving just one...
They were getting pretty brave, they've never pulled all the goop out before!
AND our finished product! So fun! Peyt picked out one happy face for that cute pumpkin!
Well, onto more fun tomorrow for my moms annual Halloween Party! We'll see if Peyt will finally wear his Fireman costume and find out what Drew will be!

1 comment:

KT said...

Loved all of Peyt's costumes! He's creative like Grandma Debbie.
I love the picture with all their candy, I'll have to start doing that one...
I didn't get a pic of Bruce and Debbie either! I was just trying to remember everything I needed for both parties I think.
Loved your princess dress also btw.