Sunday, October 24, 2010

Power in Music

I can't even remember the last time I cried until today in Sacrament Meeting. I cannot believe how powerful music can be. As I listened to the sweet Primary children sing their testimonies through song, I was so overwhelmed by the Spirit I felt. It was touching to see our little Peyt up there trying to sing along and trying so hard to know all the words, but yet so powerful when one of the songs ended and he sang "I know that my Savior Loves Me." The closing song was "I know that My Redeemer Lives" The first 3 verses were sung by a couple and the Primary for the 4th verse the congregation joined in and I could not hold it in any longer, the Spirit was amazing. I didn't even sing along, because I was taking in every minute, enjoying the power being sung in knowing, that My Redeemer Lives. He is there to comfort us, He is Real. And I know because it was confirmed again to me today as I sat and felt His Power.
I wanted you to enjoy the song today too, to be able to sit and enjoy the message given...

And then a couple of months ago, in our Sacrament Meeting, the Young Women sang this amazing song. The women in this world can have such a power in uniting their voices together...As I listened to these words while they sang I was also overcome with the Spirit as it testified it's truthfulness. We need to remain Firm in the Faith, and it can be just that easy. If you have a minute, listen to the words and let this song touch you, it's worth it :)

Life is just too short to not take the opportunities to feel of the Love that Our Savior has for us, to know that this Church is True and knowing that the every day battles we face and overcome, the harder we try, that in the end it is all going to be worth it. Or even for days like today, letting the Spirit in through Beautiful music so you can feel His Eternal Power.


gramma debbie said...

Thank you for your post today Ash!! The songs for the primary program today were amazing and the spirit so strong, watching each of those little children sing about how they new the Savior loved them and then to close with their testimonies that He Lives, was so touching! Peyton did such a great singing and with his talk! You should be a proud MOMMA!!

Ashlie said...

I Know That My Redeemer Lives is a FAVORITE in our house. I put it on whenever there seems to be too much chaos going on in our home and it calms us down. It is truely an amazing song. I love that no matter where I am or what I am doing when I think of this song I feel the spirit very strongly. And it always brings tears to my eyes when little children sing it. Thanks for sharing!!